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The Angelshark, a Winged Shark on the Brink of Extinction

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • The angelshark, while resembling a ray, is a type of shark, and is on the brink of extinction, with most species classified as Critically Endangered (CR) and facing imminent extinction.
  • Angelsharks are losing their habitat due to ocean pollution, fishing activities, and low awareness, and despite facing extinction, there is a lack of legal protection.
  • To protect the angelshark, various organizations such as the Angel Shark Conservation Network (ASCN) and the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) are working to reduce fishing damage, protect critical habitats, and raise awareness.


This fish looks like a stingray to anyone. It looks exactly like a stingray with its wing-like pectoral fins, but it has a shark's dorsal fin on its tail. Actually, this fish is called an 'Angel Shark'. It got its name because it swims like an angel flying in the sky.


BlueWorldTV YouTube channel ‘Nature's Perfect Ambush Predator: The Angel shark!’ video capture

Like the angel shark, the flounder with its flat body hides itself in the sand to protect itself from predators. Angel sharks also swim close to the sand floor and hide in the sand. However, angel sharks use camouflage not for defense but for attack. They hide stealthily and then hunt quickly when prey approaches. Despite its appearance, it seems like a shark is a shark.



Angel sharks are classified into about 27 species, most of which are classified as endangered species. Looking at the endangered species level, the critical level (CR) is the most common. The endangered species critical level (CR) means that there is a high risk of becoming critically endangered in a short period of time, and most angel sharks may not exist in the world after a few years. Almost all of the endangered angel sharks are declining in population, and active conservation efforts seem to be needed.

Ocean pollution is a serious problem that we all need to solve together. It is taking away the habitats of many marine creatures. Angel sharks are also losing their habitats due to ocean pollution. Angel sharks are also disturbed by humans, such as divers. Even fishing that does not intend to catch angel sharks often results in angel sharks dying from fishing gear. The biggest problem is that there are no legal regulations to protect angel sharks. There is little public awareness about angel sharks, so research on them is limited, and public awareness is low compared to their endangered situation.


Angel Shark Conservation Network webpage capture

The Angel Shark Conservation Network (ASCN) has set several goals to protect angel sharks. First of all, since the damage caused by fishing is significant, the goal is to minimize the number of angel sharks that die from fishing. They are monitoring commercial fishing and providing information on angel sharks to fishermen to reduce damage. They are also working to protect critical angel shark habitats by designating Critical Angel Shark Areas and protecting vulnerable habitats. They also designate ‘World Angel Shark Day’ to raise awareness about the plight of angel sharks.

The Zoological Society of London (ZSL) is working with many organizations that are protecting angel sharks to receive reports on angel shark sightings or to raise funds.

I hope that more people will become aware of the plight of angel sharks and show interest so that they can escape from their endangered status.

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