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All Rhinos Are Endangered

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • The Javan rhinoceros is an endangered species found on the Indonesian island of Java, and it is the smallest species of rhinoceros.
  • Only 18 individuals remain in the world, and they are facing extinction due to illegal poaching, habitat destruction, and climate change.
  • The mistaken belief in the medicinal properties of rhino horns led to rampant poaching, but thanks to the efforts of animal conservation organizations, poaching has declined. Looking ahead, habitat protection and climate change adaptation are crucial.

Western Australian Museum

This animal, which looks like it's wearing armor, is the Javan rhinoceros. It's named the Javan rhinoceros because it lives on the island of Java in Indonesia. It is about 3.5 meters long and 1.6 meters tall at the shoulder, making it one of the smallest rhinoceros species.

Rhinoceros are divided into five species: the black rhinoceros and white rhinoceros of Africa, and the Indian rhinoceros, Sumatran rhinoceros, and Javan rhinoceros of Asia. Sadly, all five species of rhinoceros are listed as endangered.


The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has created a Red List of endangered species to manage endangered species around the world. Most endangered species are categorized from Critically Endangered (CR) to Least Concern (LC). The black rhinoceros, Sumatran rhinoceros, and Javan rhinoceros are categorized as Critically Endangered (CR), while the Indian rhinoceros is categorized as Vulnerable (VU) and the white rhinoceros is categorized as Near Threatened (NT).

The critically endangered (CR) Sumatran rhinoceros has only 30 individuals left in the world, while the Javan rhinoceros has only 18. The main reason why the rhinoceros is facing such a serious extinction crisis is, again, illegal poaching. People who illegally hunt rhinoceros are after their horns. Rumors have spread about the medicinal properties of rhinoceros horns. Therefore, an animal conservation group called Saving the Wild decided to cut off the horns of some rhinoceros to prevent them from being hunted. Rhinoceros horns are similar to fingernails, so they can be cut off without pain or bleeding. Surprisingly, illegal poaching of rhinoceros has decreased significantly after this action by the animal conservation group.

IUCN, Sumatran Rhinoceros

Besides illegal poaching, rhinoceros are also threatened by habitat destruction due to human development and climate change. Many people are working to protect rhinoceros by designating protected areas, but the most urgent issue is to resolve the problem of illegal poaching.

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